To 7UP, to make up, or to break up? Hmm. Why can't you have all three? With steno, you can. If you guys are longtime readers of Court Reporter Bound, you know I like word families. This week's post is about a word family that comes up a lot and has so many incarnations; The Up family.
I think I was given a few of these while I was in theory class, though I don't know if they were part of Sten Ed or something my teachers threw at us. Whatever. Doesn't matter. The point is that sometimes you can see patterns in a list of similar briefs, and then boom, you add to the family following the same principle(s). Here's my non-comprehensive list of the "up" family. Feel free to add to this list in the comments if you think of any good ones.
(lolJK. Just came up with that one, but I kinda like it for no particular reason other than my guy drinks it all the time.)
back up/backup BAUP BA*UP
break up/breakup BRAIP BRA*IP
broke up BROEP
check up/checkup KHUP KH*UP
clean up/cleanup KLAOEP KLAO*EP
close up/closeup KLOEP KLO*EP
come up KMUP
flare up/flareup FLAIRP FLA*IRP
follow up/followup FLOUP FLO*UP
give up GI*FP
grow up GROE*P (beware, RTers, of possible, um, conflicts.)
grown up/grown-up GRUP GR*UP
hold up/holdup HOUP HO*UP
line up/lineup LUP L*UP
lock up/lockup LOUP LO*UP
make up/makeup MAIP MA*EUP
pick up/pickup/pup PUP P*UP PUP/PUP
(Not a great solution, I know. Suggestions?)
screw up/screwup SKRAOUP SKRAO*UP
shut up SHUP
stand up/stand-up STAUP STA*UP
start up/start-up STARP STA*RP
stuck up/stuck-up STUP ST*UP
walk up/walk-up WAUP WA*UP
Philosophy aside: Strange how powerful the word "up" is. For being just two teensy letters, it's very transformative. Every word in this list seems so final or powerful but wouldn't be so much so if it were on its own. Huh. Everything really is a metaphor for everything else.