Top TEN Ways to Get Better Grades & to Get More Out of School

While searching for evidence backing up my claim about sitting front and center in steno class, I stumbled upon a neat little document about the top ten ways to get better grades. It outlines some great habits that should translate well into steno success. My interpretation as it applies to steno is in red. You can read the whole article here.

10. Actually go to every class. Even if you’re an online student, sign in or download your audio files every day. That way you’re more likely to practice.

9. Sit in the front of the class. It’s widely asserted that there’s a correlation between where you sit in the classroom and your likelihood of success in that class. Try it!

8. Ask questions and volunteer answers in class. Amen.

7. Finish your assignments on time. Don’t fall behind and think you can catch up on your practice time tomorrow. This is one I need to work on…

6. Choose classes that you like and find interesting in the first place. If you enjoy what you’re studying, you’ll be more likely to devote your time to it.

5. Study a little bit every day. Cramming might help you pass a multiple choice test, but isn’t for long-term retention of information. Try practicing a list of briefs at the end of a practice session for 15 or 20 minutes. Steno is cumulative. Don't skip a single day! Even 10 minutes is better than nothing. As Michelle notes on her blog, steno is not like riding a bike.

4. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Work on your trouble areas, not just pounding keys. Make the most of your time.

3. Start or join a study group. Keep up on your fellow court reporting blogs. (Thanks StenoNerd!) Stay in touch with positive steno influences. Be hungry for knowledge.

2. When you study, set goals and take breaks. ‘Nuff said.

1. Study in a chair at a table. Sit with proper posture in a real chair. No couch steno-ing. Never underestimate the power of a well-lit room and some caffeine for staying awake during a late practice session.