Reading Raw Steno Notes

Okay. As much as I talk about reading my steno notes, I really have not made it a habit since theory and early in speedbuilding. I'm going to practice what I preach in what hopefully is a different, fun way. Here's an excerpt from Practical Pointers for Shorthand Students first in steno, and then in plain English.

Don't Get Fits of the Blues

It is a mistake to think, in taking up the study of shorthand and typewriting that all will be smooth sailing.  Periods of depression are sure to come, when storms of discouragement will sweep down and clouds of disappointment will almost drive away all hope of success.  There may be times when you will think you are making no progress, but don't get these fits of the blues.  On those occasions, instead of giving way to your discouragement, spend the time in overcoming the difficulties that have beset you.  You will find the difficulties that seemed almost to overwhelm you have melted away like dim shadows.  Don't have fits of the blues!  Have confidence in your teacher, in your shorthand system, and in your own ability, for the difficulties you overcome add immeasurably to your strength and make the final only seem the more sweet.

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